# Add-on Definitions

Every add-on has to provide meta information such as add-on type, id or name.

Background information: The meta information of all add-ons is accessible through the org.openhab.core.addon.AddonInfoRegistry service.

Although add-on definitions are usually specified in a declarative way (as described in this section), they can also be provided as org.openhab.core.addon.AddonInfo. Any AddonInfo must be registered as service at the OSGi service registry. The full Java API for addon definitions can be found in the Java package org.openhab.core.addon.

For the declarative way, you add your add-on information in form of an addon.xml file to the bundle's folder /src/main/resources/OH-INF/addon/. If the add-on consists of more than one bundle, only one addon.xml is allowed (in the main-bundle).

# XML Structure for Add-on Definitions

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<addon:addon id="addonID"



  <config-description-ref uri="{addon|thing-type|channel-type|any_other}:addonID:..." />


Property Description
addon.id An identifier for the add-on mandatory
type Either automation, binding, misc, persistence, transform, ui or voice mandatory
name A human-readable name for the add-on mandatory
description A human-readable description for the add-on optional
connection none for add-ons that have no interactions with external systems at all, local for add-ons that only interact locally without internet access, hybrid for add-ons that interact locally without internet access, but can optionally use a cloud connection for extended functionality (such as discovery), cloud for add-ons that require a cloud connection optional
countries List of two-letter ISO country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) that are supported (all countries if empty). Must be in lowercase optional
service-id The ID (service.pid or component.name) of the main binding service, which can be configured through OSGi configuration admin service. Should only be used in combination with a config description definition optional
config-description The configuration description for the binding within the ConfigDescriptionRegistry (cf. Configuration Description) optional
config-description-ref The reference to a configuration description for the binding within the ConfigDescriptionRegistry optional
config-description-ref.uri The URI of the configuration description for the binding within the ConfigDescriptionRegistry mandatory
discovery-methods A set of xml elements that describe how the system can scan the network to discover present devices optional

The full XML schema for add-on definitions is specified in the Add-on XSD (opens new window) file.


  • The attribute uri in the section config-description is optional, it should not be specified in add-on definition files because it's an embedded configuration. If the uri is not specified, the configuration description is registered as type:addonID, otherwise the given uri is used.
  • If a configuration description is already specified somewhere else and the add-on wants to (re-)use it, a config-description-ref should be used instead.
  • Normally the service id must not be defined, because it is implicitly set to "type.<addonId>". An add-on can register an OSGi service which implements the ManagedService interface and define the service.pid as e.g."binding.hue" to receive the configuration.

# Discovery Methods

The system can scan the network for present devices to determine if it should suggest to install specific addons during setup. Optionally, if you want the system to scan the user's network for your addon then you need to include additional discovery-method fields.

XML Element Name Description Instances
discovery-methods Wrapper for discovery-method elements (see below). Zero or one instances per file.
discovery-method Complex XML element describing an addon discovery method. Zero or more instances per file.
service-type The type of discovery service (see table below). Mandatory one per discovery-method.
discovery-parameters Wrapper for discovery-parameter elements (see below). Zero or one instances per discovery-method.
discovery-parameter A parameter name and value used for settings of the add-on finder process. Zero or more instances per discovery-parameters.
name A settings parameter name. Mandatory one instance per discovery-parameter.
value A settings parameter value. Mandatory one instance per discovery-parameter.
match-properties Wrapper for match-property elements (see below). Zero or one instances per discovery-method.
match-property A property name and regular expression used for matching discovery findings. Zero or more instances per match-properties.
name A property name to search for. Mandatory one instance per match-property.
regex A regular expression (or plain string) that needs to match the property name. Mandatory one instance per match-property.
Service Type Description
ip Service to discover add-ons by scanning for devices via a UDP 'ping' broadcast on the LAN.
mdns Service to discover add-ons by scanning for devices using the mDNS discovery service.
processs Service to discover add-ons by checking processes running on the PC.
sddp Service to discover add-ons by scanning for devices using the SDDP discovery service.
upnp Service to discover add-ons by scanning for devices using the UPnP discovery service.
usb Service to discover add-ons by scanning for USB devices attached to the PC.


  • A discovery-method may contain multiple match-property entries, and in such a case all entries must match i.e. it a logical AND function is applied.
  • If you want to apply a logical OR function you can define a second separate discovery-method containing the respective match-property entry.
  • Different add-on discovery finders may need different discovery-parameters. Check the JavaDoc of the respective 'org.openhab.core.config.discovery.addon.*' finder class on GitHub. Or see the mdns example below.
  • The match-property has different allowed values for its name element depending on the discovery service-type, as shown in the table below.
Service Type Allowed match-property name values
ip "response".
mdns Frequently used properties are "name", and "application". But mDNS permits any property name depending on the service concerned.
process "command", "commandLine".
sddp "driver", "host", "ipAddress", "macAddress", "manufacturer", "model", "port", "primaryProxy", "proxies", "type"
upnp "deviceType", "manufacturer", "manufacturerURI", "modelName", "modelNumber", "modelDescription", "modelURI", "serialNumber", "friendlyName".
usb "product", "manufacturer", "chipId", "remote".

# SDDP Discovery Service Syntax

For the sddp service type, the meanings of the match-property name values are explained further as follows:

Name Value Description
from The network address of the device. For example:
host The host address of the device. For example: JVC_PROJECTOR-E0DADC152802 Note: the last 12 characters represent the MAC address of the device.
type The type of the device. Usually a colon delimited combination of a manufacturer id and a device type id. For example: JVCKENWOOD:Projector
primaryProxy The id of the primary proxy that provides device services. For example: projector
proxies A comma delimited list of proxies. For example: projector,thingy,etc Normally the first entry is the primary proxy.
manufacturer The device manufacturer. For example: JVCKENWOOD
model The model number of the device. For example: DLA-RS3100_NZ8
driver The driver id. For example: projector_JVCKENWOOD_DLA-RS3100_NZ8.c4i
ipAddress The dotted IP address part of the 'from' field. For example:
port The port part of the 'from' field. For example: 1902 (a String value)
macAddress The MAC address of the device as derived from the last 12 characters of the host field. It is presented in lower-case, dash delimited, format. For example: e0-da-dc-15-28-02 Therefore it may be used as a (unique) sub- part of a Thing UID.

# IP Discovery Service Syntax

For the ip service type, the meanings of the discovery-parameter values are explained further as follows:

Name Value
type Either ipMulticast or ipBroadcast
destIp Destination IP address e.g.
destPort Destination port e.g. 4000
listenPort Port to use for listening to responses (optional) privileged ports (<1024) not allowed
request Description of request frame as hex bytes separated by spaces (e.g. 0x01 0x02 ...) with dynamic replacement of variables (see below)
requestPlain Description of request frame as plaintext string dynamic replacement of variables (see below) and escaped as required (see below)
timeoutMs Timeout to wait for answers
fmtMac Format specifier string for mac address (see below); if no parameter is defined the default is %02X:

# IP Discovery: Substitution Tokens (within request and requestPlain)

The request and requestPlain values may contain special tokens that are dynamically replaced by actual variables at runtime as follows:

Token Will Be Replaced By
$srcIp The actual source IP address
$srcPort The actual source port
$srcMac The actual source mac address formatted according to the fmtMac parameter value (see below)
$uuid String returned by java.util.UUID.randomUUID()

# IP Discovery: Escaping (within requestPlain)

In requestPlainstandard backslash sequences will be translated. Plus there are five XML special characters which must be escaped:

Character Replacement
& &amp;
< &lt;
> &gt;
" &quot;
' &apos;

# IP Discovery: Formatting of substituted MAC address (within requestPlain)

In requestPlain the $srcMac token will be converted to the actual source MAC address. It will be rendered according to the fmtMac parameter value. This comprises a standard Java format specifier string plus optionally a single delimiter character. Examples are as follows:

Format Specifier Result (example)
%02X 01020304AABBCCDD
%02x- 01-02-03-04-aa-bb-cc-dd
%02X: 01:02:03:04:AA:BB:CC:DD
aardvark throws exception
%02Xaardvark throws exception

# Example

The following code gives examples for add-on definitions used in bindings.

# Example for mDNS Service

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<addon:addon id="bindingID"

  <name>hue Binding</name>
  <description>The hue Binding integrates the Philips hue system. It allows to control hue bulbs.</description>


          <regex>Philips hue bridge</regex>


# Example for IP Service

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<addon:addon id="wiz" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  xsi:schemaLocation="https://openhab.org/schemas/addon/v1.0.0 https://openhab.org/schemas/addon-1.0.0.xsd">

  <name>WiZ Binding</name>
  <description>Binding for WiZ smart devices.</description>

